Splitter will shortly be released as a Unity Asset, available for purchase in the Unity Asset Store.
List<Collider> EntranceTriggers - A list of triggers that are used to define an entrance area. When a subscriber triggers any of these triggers, the subscriber will be evaluated to be entered into this anchor's isolated physics context. Caveat: See EntrancePriority.
from scripts added to RunInSimulationSpace will not work properly! This is because and physics queries made from the static physics class will be referencing the incorrect scene. One work around is to instead make a similar call from gameObject.scene.GetPhysicsScene()
. So, for example, instead of using Physics.Spherecast(...)
, use gameObject.scene.GetPhysicsScene().Spherecast(...)
player.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(transform.forward, 1f);
player.GetComponent<SplitterSubscriber>().AppliedPhysics.AddForce(transform.forward, 1f);