
Splitter will shortly be released as a Unity Asset, available for purchase in the Unity Asset Store.


Splitter is a framework developed by NoTime that can be used to dynamically create and manage isolated physics contexts within Unity's built-in 3d physics engine (NVIDIA PhysX). Isolated physics contexts are extremely useful for wrangling things like:
  • Moving/Rotating platforms
  • Ridable Rigidbodies
  • Explorable Interiors of Moving Vehicles
  • Gravity Walls
  • Any nested combination of the above. For example, an explorable aircraft carrier that rolls in the waves, which has moving platforms on the ship, and is all on a planet that is rotating and moving in space.

10/9/2024 - Splitter needs testers! If you are interested in recieving and evaluation copy of Splitter, and wouldn't mind giving some feedback, please send an email to Marc at notime.technology@gmail.com!

  • Dynamically create and manage isolated physics scenes within Unity's built-in 3d physics engine (NVIDIA PhysX), and use them to control rigidbodies in your scene.
  • Transition rigidbodies to and from isolated physics scenes with smooth executions.
  • Splitter supports physical interaction between rigidbodies in separate physics scenes.
  • Splitter supports nesting isolated physics scenes inside of other isolated physics scenes :).
  • Splitter requires no coding, but does expose useful events and methods if needed.
  • Splitter utilizes the GameObject.SendMessage to provide event level control to programmers.
  • Splitter supports all of the standard Rigidbody applications across physics scenes.
  • Splitter's codebase is source-available! All coding has been done in C# and is exposed as Unity script assets.
  • Splitter provides two systems to handle entry and exit (registration) into isolated physics scenes: trigger-based registration, or manual registration via code.
Getting Started

Start with the demo scene. First, import the provided Unity package into a new project. Then load the NoTime/Splitter/Demo/Scenes/DemoScene.unity scene. Most likely, your use case will be featured in this scene.
Component Documentation

Creates a 'physics anchor' and defines an isolated physics context.
Tip: The anchor's physical orientation in the isolated physics scene is defined by the anchor's local rotation. If this proves to be confusing, try setting SimulationVisible to true to get a visual representation of the simulated anchor.

List<Collider> EntranceTriggers - A list of triggers that are used to define an entrance area. When a subscriber triggers any of these triggers, the subscriber will be evaluated to be entered into this anchor's isolated physics context. Caveat: See EntrancePriority.

List<Collider> StayTriggers - A list of triggers that are used to define a stay area. As long as a subscriber who has entered this anchor's isolated physics context remains in contact with one of these triggers, the subscriber will continue to be simulated in this anchor's isolated physics context. Caveat: See the EntrancePriority property.
Tip: In general, the entrance triggers should be contained within the StayTriggers. The StayTriggers should be slightly larger than the Entrance triggers. This ensures that there is a buffer zone to prevent jittery rapid entrance/exit of an anchor.
int EntrancePriority - Used to manage nested anchors. Defines the priority this anchor takes over other overlapping anchors. For example, imagine a scene with a boat in an ocean on a rotating planet, where the boat and the planet are both SplitterAnchors. In this case, the entrance priority of the ship should be higher than the planet. This way, if the player is already in the planet's physics simulation, we know it is okay to exit and enter the boat's physics simulation if triggered.
bool SimulationVisible - This is made available for debugging only. If this is true on start, then the simulated anchor will remain visible. All simulated anchors can be found at the world position of Vector3(100, 100, 100).
Gives a rigidbody the ability to interact with SplitterAnchors
List<MonoBehaviour> RunInSimulationSpace - A list of Monobehaviors that should be run in the context of the anchor's simulated space when possible. When a splitter subscriber enter's an anchor, all RunInSimulationSpace scripts are disabled, then reinitialized in the simulation space. When a splitter subscriber exits the anchor, the scripts in the simulation space are destroyed and the initial RunInSimulationSpace scripts are enabled again. One common use for this is for player controls of a physical object.
bool SimulationVisible - This is made available for debugging only. If this is true on the start of anchor simulation, then the simulated anchor will remain visible. All simulated anchors can be found at the world position of Vector3(100, 100, 100).
Scripting Documentation

Splitter Subscriber
void ManuallyEnterAnchor(SplitterAnchor Anchor) - Call this function to have the SplitterSubscriber enter the context of the SplitterAnchor. Note that this SplitterSubscriber will now remain in the physics scene of the SplitterAnchor until ManuallyExitAnchor() is called.
void ManuallyExitAnchor() - Call this function to have the SplitterSubscriber exit the current SplitterAnchor (if any). Note that this will only work if it is called after previously calling ManuallyEnterAnchor(SplitterAnchor Anchor).
bool IsSimulating() - Returns true if the SplitterSubscriber is currently registered and simulating in the physics scene of an SplitterAnchor. Otherwise, returns false.
Applied Physics
This class is made accessible to all SplitterSubscribers to provide workflow improvements when applying physical changes to SplitterSubscribers. If a script that makes physics applications to a SplitterSubscriber is not listed in the SplitterSubscribers RunInSimulationSpace<Monobehaviour>, then all physics applications to the SplitterSubscriber MUST be scripted through AppliedPhysics and NOT Rigidbody! Application to Rigidbody will not work when the SplitterSubscriber is in an SplitterAnchor's physical scene, as the SplitterSubscribers Rigidbody will be controlled by the simulation.
This class contains a one to one implementation of all Rigidbody members. For example:
player.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(transform.forward, 1f);
player.GetComponent<SplitterSubscriber>().AppliedPhysics.AddForce(transform.forward, 1f);

The same goes for properties normally found in the Rigidbody class. For example:
This is now a more accurate representation of velocity.
Tip: The applied physics class should be used for all subscriber physical interactions, even when the subscriber is not in an anchor!
Provides access to Splitter events.
Some knowledge of the inner workings of Splitter is required when dealing with events. When a subscriber triggers an anchor, a complete copy of the subscriber game object is made and entered into the anchor's physics simulation. The SplitterEventListener's events allow us to access the simulated subscriber and simulated anchor.
To utilize this event listener, have the relevant components inherit from SplitterEventListener instead of MonoBehaviour. Then override any of the following public virtual methods as needed.
Tip: Do you already have an inheritance structure setup? Don't worry. You do not have to explicitly inherit from SplitterEventListener. Simply add a method with the same signature to your Monobehaviour and the splitter system will trigger the event.
OnEnterAnchor(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs for subsribers. Occurs when the subscriber successfully enters an anchor.
OnExitAnchor(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs for subsribers. Occurs when the subscriber successfully exits an anchor.
OnSimulationStart(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs for anchors. Occurs when the anchor starts simulating a physics context.
OnSimulationCollisionEnter(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs when a simulated subscriber encounters a collision.
OnSimulationCollisionStay(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs when a simulated subscriber collision continues.
OnSimulationCollisionExit(SplitterEvent evt) - Occurs when a simulated subscriber exits a collision.
This class simply holds relevant information for events.
SplitterAnchor Anchor - The SplitterAnchor associated with the event.
Transform SimulatedAnchor - The transform of the simulated anchor associated with the event.
SplitterSubscriber Subscriber - The SplitterSubscriber associated with the event.
Transform SimulatedSubscriber - The transform of the simulated subscriber associated with the event.
Collision Collision - A Unity Engine Collision object containing all of the relevant info pertaining to collisions that occur inside a simulation. Normal rigidbody collision events still occur, however the values in the Collision argument may be inaccurate. To access accurate collision data, use the SplitterEventListener's correlated event.

No Time is a small tech and media company located in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, USA.
Questions or Comments? Or just interested? Feel free to contact us!